
231/1, Airport Rd, Near Infinity badminton arena, Vimannagar, Pune Maharashtra 411014



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231/1, Airport Rd, Near Infinity badminton arena, Vimannagar, Pune Maharashtra 411014

How good tyres provide safety to your life?

How good tyres provide safety to your life?

Difference Between the Cheap and Expensive Tyre 

1. Durability

The durability of the tyres is one of the most major elements in calculating that your money is worth you get it. Ultimately, tyres are more durable so you can save your money on new tyres.

Durability check factors are so many. If a tire has a pappy rubber, it will perform longer. Sadly but car owners think these tyres will wear down soon, Tyres that have rigid rubber will go a long way.

The major difference between cheap & expensive tyres is durability. Cheap tyres are less durable & expensive tyres have more durability. 

2. Handling Your Car

Good quality tyres are easy & better to use, and expensive tyres can handle your car better than the cheap one, so don’t go with cheap tyres to save some bucks.

Good tyres will enhance the handling of your car. They will hold the road finer so that the car does not lose control as simply, whether it’s rainy-season or you’re driving your car at higher speeds. The tyres take all the care of handling your car.

3. Tread on Tyre

The thickness and design of the tread can also be a major factor in the price. Bigger tread with broad grooves will help your car handle well in the rainy season, bad road, mud, ice. 

Tread is a major deliberation for buying tyres that will best meet your car needs. Tyres with broad tread will be higher in price. 

4. Breaking Space

A little breaking space is used to stop the car quickly to speed breakers & emergency conditions. Every tyre has a calculated breaking space. The shorter the breaking space, the more efficacious the tyre is and the higher cost it will be.

5. Drag-On Tyre

Tyres which have higher drag that will be very hard to drive your car, therefore this will cause your car will consume more fuel. This will affect your car’s life. The maintenance will be higher than usual & it also increases fuel cost.

Tires with less drag have a perfect design and will usually charge more than usual.

6. Comfort Ride

The above feature that helps tires go a long way also helps to enhance the comfort of the ride. Expensive Tyre gives you a more comfortable ride. It absorbs all the bad road bumps & speed breakers along the road. 

Your ride will be more comfortable with expensive tyres. Of course, the expensive one gives the best quality than the cheap one. 

7. Noise While Driving 

Cheaper tyres are made by bad quality rubber & they use less rubber too, they will not follow the standard procedure to construct. Because of these tyres will be so noisy when you drive the car, which can be very irritating and disturbing. Expensive tyres will give you a pleasing & noise-free ride as they construct with standard procedure.

8. Brand Name

Anything you plan to buy the first thing you check that is a brand name so here also this factor is very important, picking a brand name will cost you higher. A brand name usually becomes a brand name on their reputation in the market which they provide best quality tyres. You can trust the brand name that gives you a high-quality tyre that will give you the best experience with a long life.

But in the market, many brands are not reputed yet but give you the equal quality of the tyre.

Grips on Tyres

You know, when you feel the tyres are losing grip and your car start sliding. Professional driver slides the car for fun, but when you driving with your family, it gets slide unexpectedly on a road that could be a very threatening condition. The Sliding is because your car is losing road grip; clearly, this has to do with your car tyres and road area.

Some factors directly influence the road grip. Some are very important. 

The rubber quality which used by tyre company to construct tyre Surface and road surface material.  

The rougher texture material gives a perfect road grip.                   

The weight of the car that pressing tyre surface & road surface together.

Some material can be affecting losing grip, e.g. water, oil, and other liquid material. 

After How Many kilometers Tyres Should Be Changed?

As per our experience, your car tyres need to be changed after 4 – 5 years of use, ignorance of the number of kilometers you have to drive your car. Tyres are related to your weather conditions and immoderate friction and damage after 4-5 years of use. Tyre rubber gets rigid and will decrease the braking capacity of the tyres. Even well-serviced tyres will have to be changed because treads will be worn out after a certain period.

Driving with wear out tyres will be very dangerous, here are some sign says change your tyres instantly

1. Tyre Overheating

Your car tyre wears down; there will be less space between outside surface and Inner surface to flow air to cool down the tyres. This may cause your tyres to get heated and it lowers the quality of tyres rapidly. This overheating May leads to tyre burst, if you’re driving with family it will be a very dangerous situation.

2. Puncture

Once your tyre gets to wear down they will be punctured frequently. It will easily get a puncture from sharp pieces e.g. broken glass, nails, metal, stone, and any other sharp pieces. Frequent punctures on your tyre this will be a warning sign to change the tyre. 

Some other signs that show you need to change your tyre e.g. sliding the vehicle & Air leakage frequently.

Every 20 days check your car tyre air pressure, it should be proper all the time. You have to change your car tyres after 5 year or 40000 Kms first come. it is very important to replace all four tyres at one time, also check the stepney tyre, change it if required.

What are the best tyres to buy?

You can go with Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli and Yokohama from the international names in the market or Indian brands like Apollo, JK Tyre, and MRF. 

Tyre replacement cost?

Tyre replacement cost all depends upon which brand you are going with but average all four tyre replacement cost you in India is around 15000 to 25000 Bucks

Change tyre online or Doorstep tyres services in Pune Or Home tyre change service

Yes you can change your tyre online or doorstep with the car doctor team. Just visit www.thecardoctor.in. And fill the form our team will reach you.

Conclusion: Before you take any decision on changing your car tyres please check your tyre condition from our car doctor professional mechanic or just visit our website www.thecardoctor.in our team will help you with all the proper solutions.

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