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Why My Car’s Engine Oil leak when it is parked???

Why My Car’s Engine Oil leak when it is parked???

It is frequently said that replacing the engine oil is the most important you can do to take the protection of your car.

However, it is something that many Car owners delay and the consequence of vacillation can be horrible. The motive of engine oil is to reduce friction between inside engines when your car engine has high Viscosity oil, clean engine oil that is performing its job accurately, it means the parts of your car engine are functioning well without excoriating jointly and causing corrosion. Over time, though engine oil becomes black and drops its viscosity. In short, it gets worse, when this occurs it loses its capacity to stop friction—which means the engine parts of your car engine will literally be draining each other down, causing abrasion and it leads to your car engine failure.

Way to know that you’ve driven your car too long without an engine oil change is that engine oil is leaking from your car’s engine, Only way to find out engine oil is leakage is that you will see that engine oil below the engine on the floor after it has been parked for a while.

When you open the bonnet the engine covered in oil is also another way to find out leakage, open your car’s bonnet every once in a while, and check your car’s engine oil level, then only you will be able to know if the engine oil is seeping from so many places. Last, but not least, when engine oil is leaking, it can be dropped on hot engine parts, which means it will burn, and you’ll be able to smell it.

But what are the Reasons for Car Engine Oil Leakage…?

There are so many reasons for Car Engine Oil Leakage, here are some reasons

Oil Filter Damage

Your vehicle’s oil Filter can easily be damaged by road rubbish since they are situated at the lower side of the engine, rough roads can lead to a ditch which will cause oil Filter leak. The oil filter generally tolerates a lot of wear and tear, or it can also get damaged, which leads to an oil filter leak.

Inaccurate Oil Filter Fitting

It also occurs when the oil filter fitting is inaccurate, most frequently this occurs when the oil Filter cover is over screw-up. It can also occur when tightness is not evenly distributed. Another reason can be the unsuitable fitting of the oil filter, as the engine oil comes repeatedly through it and if Oil Filter loosens, you can see the leakage From the Oil Filter body.

Oil Sump Damage & Oil Sump Gasket Leakage

First thing you need to check is to see if it’s actually the oil sump damage or oil sump gasket leaking because oil continuously drips down by gravity, it occurs road rubbish since they are situated at the lower side of the engine, rough roads can lead to a ditch which will cause an oil sump damage or oil sump gasket leakage, it can leak on the bottom but that might not be where the leaks coming from, now, in this case, it’s dripping near oil sump gasket.

Temperature Sensor Damage 

The Only way to know your oil temperature sensor is not working or damaged is if the low oil symbol blinks on the dashboard but the level is correct or if it damages then the engine will flow from a sensor. These are shown by the temperature gauge going from cool to hot in a few minutes. It takes so many minutes for the oil to heat, so the temperature sensor shows that. if the oil temperature sensor stakes, this is another sign the oil temperature sensor is going bad.

If the oil temperature sensor is hard to open for replacement, corrosion takes place and needs to be done by a professional mechanic. The mechanics at the car doctor provide an oil temperature sensor to get it done with the lowest rate at your doorstep. And oil temperature will be in normal condition.

Head Gasket Damage

Head gasket damage is not good news. Very bad news. If you’re going somewhere, it needs instant repair to require. Because of the effect directly to the engine & Cooling system of the car. And this course your car engine will get locked if you drive the car without repair.

Usually head gaskets damage when the head and the engine will occur some gap in it, and the gasket can’t hold that expanded gap. This problem comes worse on some vehicles which use an iron cylinder block and an aluminum head.

Outside engine oil or engine coolant coming out at the joint between the engine block and cylinder head is a symptom that you have a head gasket damage or engine block damage. Then check for the engine block or engine head may be in misshape.

Cylinder misfire is also a symptom of head gasket damage, especially if the break is between two cylinders on the same head. Misfire on startup, if go along with a gust of white smoke, could show a leak from the cooling system into the engine cylinder.

Overheating is also one of the symptoms of head gasket damage. Depending on the quantity of the leak, if you find engine and engine coolant mix-up, it shows that the cylinder is leaking into the cooling system.

White exhaust smoke that also shows head gasket damage, but this may be damage of rings, main bearing.

If you find above symptoms of a damaged head gasket, take your own time to check the fault. Your car doctor is the right place to check your vehicle to help your car get the repair.


If you check under your bonnet regularly and there is any leakage on the ground when you park your vehicle for some time, check if your vehicle blinks a low oil symbol on the dashboard, check below the engine for any new leakage we mention above. If you find any of the above problems in your car immediately get it to repair.For hassle-free & Affordable repair please visit www.thecardoctor.in

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