Everyone Must Know Prescribed Information About The Car Sensors

In the past the system were not centralized so the work was carried out mechanically or electromechanically and major issue faced was maintenance. However in early 90’s many changes came about one of which was Sensors.
Your Car sensors acts as communicator between the internal issues in car and driver example Wheel pressure, oil pressure, coolant levels, temperature of various parts and provide précised Information.

Types of Sensors in car :-

  1. Oxygen Sensor :- Its located in exhaust stream which monitors the content of exhaust gases for the proportion of oxygen. If it fails it can lead to more fuel consumption.
  2. Engine Speed Sensor :-It actually measures rotational speed of crankshaft in RPMs. Problem with Engine speed sensor could show up as cruise control as speedometer issues or possibly fuel and ignition problems.
  3. Mass air Flow Sensor :- It is located near air filter and monitors the amount of air that enters the engine. The computer then ensures that engine takes right amount of fuel for smooth driving. If the sensor fails it results into poor running condition and fuel consumption.
  4. Manifold Absolute Pressure(MAP) : –MAP sensors track vacuum at the intake manifold, which helps in determining engine load. The computer then uses this information to map out spark advance and fuel delivery.