
231/1, Airport Rd, Near Infinity badminton arena, Vimannagar, Pune Maharashtra 411014



Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00

231/1, Airport Rd, Near Infinity badminton arena, Vimannagar, Pune Maharashtra 411014

Tips for Car Protection during COVID-19

Tips for Car Protection during COVID-19

In light of the COVID-19 international widespread, governments all around the world have put their country on lockdown to control the spread of this dangerous virus and they requested their people to stay at home to avoid virus spread. This way, our cars are driven very less than usual, and parking in our parking space for a very long time can lead to the same problem when you try to drive. To avoid this problem, we need to follow some tips to keep your car in excellent condition after lockdown when things get back to normal, and you need to drive it again.

Start the Engine 

If your car is reachable, do not keep parked for a long time. Start the engine 2-3 times a week; at least every 3 days. When you start the engine keeps on for five to ten minutes and drives your car around the block if government permits. Doing this for five to ten minutes will be enough to keep your vehicle in good condition. 

Tyre Air Pressure

To keep your tyre in great condition, check their air pressure daily when you get time to visit your parking, and do not let them go below the standard air pressure levels. You can find the standard values on your owner’s manual. If you find that your vehicle tyre air pressure is low please visit nearby air pressure stations which the government allows an opening for given timing. 

Exterior Vehicle Clean

If your car is in private parking, make sure that it is clean even if you do not use it for a long time. Meanwhile, the car will get dirty, and you do not need to let it remain this way for a long time. Wash your vehicle after some time so that the dirt which gathered from the parking cannot be longer and become harder to wash later. If your vehicle parking is under a tree, remove all bird waste as soon as possible because they can damage your vehicle paint.

Interior Clean 

The interior cleaning of your vehicle is very easy to forget about. This is the time that bacteria can grow in the cabin of the vehicle, due to less use. You do not want that when you start driving your vehicle and then find it smelling very bad. You can buy any cabin cleaning detergents. They are very economical and can kill all bacteria and keep your car interior clean and fresh. while cleaning, give attention to the regularly touched areas, open the doors and windows for some time for fresh air.

All Lights Off

It is very important to off all the lights when the vehicle is parked for a long time if you keep your cars light on your battery will get a discharge and your vehicle will not be going to start when you needed.

Stay Home Stay Safe And Keep your Vehicle Safe

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